Megama Album Vol. 2 (1982) Remastered in HD Audio
Songs on this album:
- G-d Is Alive And Well In Jerusalem
- Give Me A Minyan
- Beggar Woman
- Learning From The Torah
- Succos In Jerusalem
- Go See Your Mother
- Throw Away That Ham
- Up To Jerusalem
- The Fight In The Man (a.k.a. Little David)
- Star Of David
- Treat Her Kind
- Pushka, Pushka, Pushka
- A Young Girl Named Maria
- G-d Is Alive And Well In Jerusalem - Reprise
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Album is a compressed folder (.zip file of about 1.43 GB). All songs are in High Definition .WAV format and high-bitrate Mp3 format.
Megama (a Hebrew word meaning "direction") Is it two-man musical and spiritual powerhouse.
The aim of "Megama" the group and "Megama" the album is to spread the Jewish biblical message through music. Taking the mystical saying "Music is the pen of the heart" as their personal motto, Megama have successfully fused their rock / blues / jazz / country musical roots and spiritual message, creating a modern yet sensitive expression of Jewish thought. This, peppered with their off-beat humor and sardonic comments on contemporary Jewish life, makes for compelling listening for all, regardless of nationality or religious background.
Meeting "Megama" for the first time one senses that something unusual is a foot. Moshe Yess (guitarist and lead singer) appears in jeans, cowboy boots and a Russian cap both on and off stage. Moshe spent the major part of his adult life in Hollywood and performed in clubs, bars and well-known hotels throughout the western states of the USA. Along the endless trails of gigs he played with David Crosby and Jose Feliciano and appeared on network TV and CBS radio. "I was one of the alienated youth, searching my roots", he says. "I finally found myself in the Hasidic community". Hoping to find greater appreciation for his new religion-oriented music Moshe decided to emigrate to Israel in 1978.
Shalom Levine (viola and vocals), who dresses in a long black frock (his regular garb), was born in the American Midwest but spent most of his life in Puerto Rico where he studied under Pablo Casals. Before moving into the mainstream of Judaism he played in a band which backed, amongst others, Tony Bennett and Sammy Davis Jr.
As "Megama", Moshe and Shalom have been reaching ever growing and more appreciative audiences. They have made three British tours and have broadcast several times on BBC radio. America has also welcomed them warmly and, apart from TV and concert appearances, "My Zaide" - The hit track off the album - Is regularly broadcast on WFMU Radio, New York. In Israel they are, of course, firm favorites and their credits include 10 TV appearances and performances in all major Israeli concert halls, as well as regular appearances at Kibbutzim and army bases all over the country.
"Megama" is an experience which is new, refreshing, educational and above all entertaining. - enjoy.